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Your support makes a difference!

ABGSL relies solely on volunteer and community support. Registration and sponsorship fees pay for only a portion of the league's expenses. We rely on donations from the community in order to keep registration fees low and still pay for field rental, umpires, clinics, equipment, and other expenses. Donations also allow us to provide scholarships each year so that we can welcome any player who wants to play softball with us.

ABGSL is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization; donations are deductible as allowed by law. Our tax ID is 94-2958214.

Make a Donation

Amazon Smile

If you make purchases from Amazon, please register for the Amazon Smile program and designate ABGSL to receive a portion of purchases you make.

Albany Berkeley Girls Softball League

Sponsor a team

If you or your company would like to sponsor any aspect of the league’s operations, we would be more than happy to talk with you! Please contact us at